
"Si de algo soy rico es de perplejidades y no de certezas."
Jorge Luis Borges

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man

Although honors came late in life to Jorge Luis Borges, his unique worldview had begun to emerge even as a child. This program examines the life and literary career of the charismatic Argentine writer, as well as the thematic, symbolic, and mythological underpinnings of his works. Archival interviews with Borges; his mother, Leonor Acevedo de Borges; his second wife, Maria Kodama; and collaborator Adolfo Bioy Casares provide insights into the private Borges, while readings from The Mirrors, Dreamtigers, The Plot, The South, The Aleph, and other landmarks of Latin American fiction demonstrate his virtuosity as a transformer of experiences.

In this segment, of the full show I could not help watching, Borges rediscovers Buenos Aires, one of his lifelong fascinations.

5 comentarios:

  1. the mirror man...
    what an interesting series, i'm glad to discover it here! thank you!

  2. Beautiful post!

    “I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does.”

    Jorge Luis Borges quote

  3. silvia--i couldn't leave this in your imeem mail because of its restriction, but this is a very borges-esque story, i think you will like it!

  4. Dear Lola, thank you for your warm presence and for sharing my love for Borges!

    Dear zoe, thank you for the link to that wonderful, Borgesian story... "Y los pintores, ya se sabe, transforman la realidad de modo tan personal que acaban por hacer que parezca imaginaria: algo pensado por ellos que existe solo en el interior de su cabeza." You are the living proof of that sentence, bringing reality into magical existence :-)
