
"Si de algo soy rico es de perplejidades y no de certezas."
Jorge Luis Borges

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

I love autumn, by Mahmoud Darwish

I love autumn and the shade of meanings.

Delighted in autumn by a light obscurity,

transparency of handkerchiefs, like poetry just after

birth, dazzled in night-blaze or darkness.

It crawls, and finds no names for anything.

Shy rain, which moistens only distant things,

delights me

(In such autumns, marriage procession

and funeral intersect: the living

celebrate with the living.)

I delight to see a monarch stoop,

to recover the pearl of the crown from a fish in the lake.

In autumn I delight to see the commonness of colors,

no throne holds the humble gold in the leaves of humble trees

who are equal in the thirst for love.

I delight in the truce between armies,

awaiting the contest between two poets,

who love the season of autumn, yet differ

over the direction of its metaphors.

In autumn I delight in the complicity between

vision and expression.

/ Mahmoud Darwish


Thank you, dear Natalia, for this perfect poem.

4 comentarios:

  1. such a perfect poem, thank you my dear friends Natalia and Silvia

  2. Dear Sylvia

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem by Mahmoud Darwish. I never read his poems before and I am really touched by it!!
    The photo above is very nice too.

  3. Thank you all for your warm and permanent presence, my dearest friends :-)
